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Rimini TTG: behind the scenes

The triumphant march of TTG in Rimini seems unstoppable, and this year its success is demonstrated by its numbers, with an increasing of 11% compared to the previous year.

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The first day of school

All of us remember our first day back at school after the summer holidays. While waiting for the bell to ring and declare the new school year open, we all gathered together in the courtyard. They were moments of joy and positivity; we met, hugged one another and quickly recounted what had happened in the previous months. They were outward shows of warmth and affection.

Years later, this spirit, this meeting up and hugging one another, swapping information enthusiastically is more often than not exactly what I witness in the corridors of TTG and even more so, during the Hospitality Day that precedes it.

I am moved by such an open show of affection in the way we greet one another in the stands and corridors of the fair. There are bear hugs, hands proffered for a smiling handshake and tender kisses planted on cheeks. There is a lot of enthusiasm for our job wrapped up in those hugs!

I do not think there is any other market sector in which colleagues, who have the opportunity to meet up for work during fairs and events, express their sense of belonging in such a heartfelt way. Perhaps the common denominator at the base of all this effusiveness is the boundless passion we share for this job.

The T.Rex girls

I noticed a big likeness between the funny T.rex and those women at the stand of the fair who wear ankle-breaking shoes, with a 12-cm heel; the ones who think that sashaying as they walk gives them a certain tone, a certain style, and that height, in addition to being halfway to beauty, makes them look even more professional.

It is strange to associate the fierce predator of the Jurassic period with my colleague at the TTG who bears down on me with her stealthy, teetering walk and her determined, somewhat feral expression.

Smartphone: a tool to find out our personality

The most commonly used tool for work these days, which has virtually morphed into an appendix of our bodies, is the smartphone. Thus, interaction with the smartphone becomes a genuine extraverbal language, demonstrating substantial personality differences between individuals.

Once upon a time, to find out about personality we relied on the analysis of handwriting, whereas now we rely on the use and the movement of fingers on a virtual keyboard: those who type with the thumb of the same hand that holds the smartphone; those who type with their thumb while holding the mobile phone with the other hand; those who hold the phone in one hand and type with the index finger of the other and, finally, the most common species among TTG stands, those who type with the thumbs of both hands, which denotes on a personality level, an individual on the constant lookout for balance.

After TTG: evenings in Rimini

Every year, a stroll along Via Vespucci in Rimini becomes our red carpet moment. You go there out of curiosity, to see what has been organised in the cafés and clubs of the waterfront, who is hanging out at the Embassy, the historic restaurant and club in Marina Centro. Once again this year, to set the tone for a big party, there were synchronised light effects and laser beams projected on the pavement and on the walls of the building.

Read more about Rimini TTG




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