The ideal solution? A wedding party in hotel
Efficiency, expert staff, exclusive atmosphere and a special regard to the guests. The wedding parties in hotel are the right choice for those who don’t want to renounce to the high level services and fairytale-like atmospheres
Looking at the calendar, the next months are the most favorable to exchange the fateful yes. It is every bride’s dream – and of every gentleman who wants to second the romantic wishes of his fiancée –, to get married in spring, thanks to the mild weather that allows to party en plain air without the need to constantly search for a refuge under a tree shadow or to do skirmish against some annoying bug. The date is settled. Now, we just need to find the perfect location. Dedicated to the lovers of the formal weddings and to those who don’t want to risk to fall in unpleasant surprises during the organization, the ad hoc solution is a wedding party in hotel.
First of all efficiency «Getting married in a hotel presents a lot of pros», Giorgia Fantin Borghi, bon ton expert and wedding planner (, comments «first of all, it is usual for an member of the top hotellerie to manage this sort of events, thanking to an appointed office able to give precise and quick answers. Secondly, because the client can verify online the success (or not) of other weddings already carried out in the same place. Clients’ opinions are always the most important». Moreover, a hotel gives a lot of importance to the planning, for example, for what concerns the transfer of the guests. A detail that shouldn’t be missed, mostly if among our guests there’s an high percentage of mature people, who could have problems with the trips with several transfers or architectonic barriers. Lastly, but not in an importance order, the hotel staff is stable, or however well known (such as seasonal workers), and that’s why they are perfectly able to cope with their working reality.
The rooms What if some guests come from afar and they need to sojourn in loco. Who should take care of the check? «The etiquette states that at least one night of the accommodation should be offered by the married couple», the wedding planner comments, «indeed, if the room is charged by the guests, the most kind alternative is to give them a range of options to choose among hotels (from three to five stars), and to arrange in due time through the various reservation offices to receive a forfeit of advantageous costs, so that each guest could find the most adequate sojourn to their needs».
The food moment To create a successful event, we should take different points into consideration.
• The hotel has partially reserved areas. It is unavoidable to live together with the hotel guests who are passing here a sojourn and who should be respected. That’s why we should keep the aperitif area all in the same place and it should not last for more than one hour, to avoid that the guests of the wedding would disperse and wander the common areas.
• «The placé reception (that shouldn’t last for more than two hours) is easier to manage in terms of service than the buffet», the expert continues, «given that the latter needs a bigger staff to face the clear and the replacement of the various dishes, and much more equipment. We should keep in mind that for an event with a buffet we should prepare at least the triple of victual, between dishes, glasses and silverware for each guest. The usual relationship of waiter and commensals is one to ten. In my opinion, it would be perfect if there was a waiter every seven people, mostly to manage the canteen, a courtesy appreciated by the ladies that uplifts the tone of the event».
The greetings Usually the groom and the bride decide to sojourn in the hotel in the bridal suite for the wedding night, set up for the occasion with thematic decors. «The next day», Giorgia Fantin Borghi concludes, «it is becoming a very common, lovely habit to organize a brunch around 11.30-12.00 with the guests who stayed in the facility, for the final greetings and thanking».